Extension Connection Winter 2022 Issue

Check out our latest issue of Extension Connection, Winter 2022, a newsletter to support your home, health, and family life. This newsletter is serving Marquette, Adams, Waushara, and Green Lake counties. Inside you will find educational articles, upcoming programs, and community resources.

Back to School Routines

  Back to school, fresh starts, new routines. Exciting, right? Well, it can be pretty exciting, but it can also be overwhelming to get back into the swing of things! School, sports, clubs, music lessons. They all seem to ramp back up in the fall! Here are a few things to keep in mind as […]

Raising Wisconsin’s Children – Thursday night classes

100% FREE, 100% Virtual and 100% Focused on WI Families! Dads, moms, grandparents, foster parents, child care providers, educators and all those caring for our children! The Raising Wisconsin’s Children classes occur weekly on Thursday nights from 7-8pm starting on March 10th through May 19th. To register for one or all of the Raising Wisconsin’s […]

Are You Raising Wisconsin Children?

You’re invited to attend the 1st annual Raising Wisconsin’s Children Conference. Dads, moms, grandparents, foster parents, child care providers, educators, and all those caring for children are welcome to our first virtual parenting conference! Attend every session or a few. This conference is for you! 2 days, 17 classes delivered by Wisconsin-based Child Development and Parenting […]

Metals in Baby Food

We’ve been hearing from a lot of parents and caregivers about about growing concern after reports about metals and toxins in baby food. We know this is scary and overwhelming to think about, so we put together this flyer with some things you can do to limit your baby’s exposure. Click on the photo for […]

Managing Your Personal Finances in Tough Times

Many households may experience hard financial times as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. UW Extension has a website for help with Managing Your Personal Finances in Tough Times. We just added information related to this situation, such as eligibility for unemployment insurance, public benefits, small business assistance, and keeping up with loan payments. https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/toughtimes/

Parent Cafés

Parent Café: A fulfilling way to talk, listen and support each other with the stressors, worries and challenges of parenting that many have struggled with alone. They are unique in that every parent’s voice is heard. Support parents in building friendships and a strong network of families who help each other stay strong. Small group […]

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