Managing Your Personal Finances in Tough Times

Many households may experience hard financial times as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. UW Extension has a website for help with Managing Your Personal Finances in Tough Times. We just added information related to this situation, such as eligibility for unemployment insurance, public benefits, small business assistance, and keeping up with loan payments.

Food Safety for Flooded Farms

Flooding events, especially during the harvest season, can have a significant impact on a farm’s bottom line. Growers need to also consider food safety impacts as they assess damage and consider their options. Several resources are available to help growers in the aftermath of  significant rain events. Visit: for more information.

Cold Weather Guidelines for Farmers

For your human workers – on a day like today frost bite can occur within 10 minutes to exposed skin.  Faster if skin is wet!  Stay warm, be prepared, wear layers, and be safe.  The most vulnerable are the sick, elderly, and young so pay careful attention to them. For your animals the same rules […]

Livestock Owners Pay Careful Attention to Animals During Cold Weather

January 3, 2014- Weather forecasts are predicting some very cold weather for the weekend.  Livestock owners should pay special attention to their animals this weekend and through next week.  Pay attention to calves as they are more susceptible to the cold than mature animals.  If possible, provide extra dry bedding this weekend to help protect […]

Wild Cucumber

Have you been noticing a bright green vine that has been climbing up trees and fencelines this summer?  What you are seeing is Wild Cucumber (Echinocystis lobata), a member of the Cucurbitaceae family which includes cucumbers, squash, and melons.  Wild cucumber is a native plant of Wisconsin and most of North America.  Additional information on […]

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