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Wisconsin Association of Home and Community Education, Inc.

HCE Goals
- To provide continuing education for members and others on issues that strengthen families and communities.
- To develop and improve leadership skills of members.
- To build coalitions with other organizations and agencies having similar objecctives and concerns as HCE.
- To promote friendship and understand with all people in the world.
HCE clubs are located in Marquette County, Wisconsin, the U.S., and around the globe. Five (5) clubs are located in Marquette County — Springfield, Neenah Valley, Moundville, Harris, and Frink (south of Montello). In addition, members-at-large enjoy a countywide membership. Ninety members meet monthly, except for summer months.
HCE Club Contacts and Meetings
- FRINK – Barb Krebs 608-429-3422 — Meets 2nd Tuesday at 9:30am
- MOUNDVILLE BUSY BEES – Joanne Dalton 608-587-2913 — Meets 3rd Tuesday at 1:00pm
- NEENAH VALLEY – Gail Brancel 608-981-2003 — Meets 3rd Wednesday at 7:00pm
- SPRINGFIELD – Lori Ferkans, 608-296-2245– Meets 3rd Wednesday at 1:00pm
Map of HCE Clubs in Marquette County, Wisconsin
HCE Projects

Wisconsin Bookworms provides free books, activities and “reading buddies” to kids who wouldn’t otherwise have books of their own. Partners are Wisconsin Public Television, Alliant Energy Foundation, and Literacy Volunteers of Marquette County.

Cultural & Textile Arts which includes painting, photography, sewing, knitting, crocheting, hand stitching, hertiage arts, quilting, writing, crafts, and other art media.

International Interests to learn about other countries and international concerns such as food, financial, environmental and social conditions. For example, the Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partners Project gathers school supplies, sports equipment, fabrics and sewing supplies, and cash donations for purchasing a “starter flock” of chickens for a family.

Blood Drives
Youth Scholarship is given once a year to a young person entering or in college. Deadline is March 15th. Go to: 2021 Scholarship Application for more details.
Community Education on a variety of enjoyable and beneficial topics at the annual “Super Tuesday” and monthly programs. Call 608-297-3141 for current programs or check the Marquette County Tribune.
Community Outreach to benefit children, families, and the elderly, such as tray favors for the senior centers, door prize baskets for family events, and more.

Barn Quilts and Hidden History Mural Trail – rural artwork that highlights the culture, history, and environment of Marquette County. For more information go to www.barnquiltsandmurals.com

“Pennies for Friendship” to unite HCE women across the globe
And finally, individual clubs have additional projects.
Super Tuesday is a fun filled day of Friendship & Learning. For more information and a registration form go to: ST Brochure 2019.
HCE Creed
We, the Homemakers of Wisconsin, believe in the sanctity of the home, the cradle of character . . . blessed by motherly devotion and guarded by fatherly protection. We pledge ourselves . . .
- To work for the preservation and improvement of home and community life;
- To strive for healthier minds and bodies and better living;
- To promote the welfare of our boys and girls, the nation’s greatest asset;
- To be true to God and Country and of lasting service to our home and community.
—Written by Mrs. John Meise, Sauk County
Additional Information
Contact Marquette County President, Joanne Dalton 608–587-2913 or support staff Jackie Stoneman at UWEX, 608-297-3141. You can also visit the Wisconsin Association of Home and Community Educators (WAHCE) at http://www.wahceinc.org/