Free Online Parenting Classes -Raising Wisconsin’s Children Offered to all parents and caregivers. All Classes are on the 3rd Thursday at 1:00pm.Topics change monthly. Learn more and register here!!

Triple P- Positive Parenting Program

Small Changes, Big Differences! Positive Parenting Program for parents of children 0-12 years old. When? Tuesdays January 16- February 6, 2024. 9:00am-10:30am OR 6:00pm- 7:30pm. The cost is FREE! Classes held online using Zoom: join with computer, tablet, or smartphone without leaving home!   Click here to see our flier! Registration:

Winter 2023 Extension Connection

Check out our latest issue of Extension Connection- Winter 2023 , a newsletter to support your home, health, and family life. This newsletter is serving Marquette, Adams, Waushara, and Green Lake counties. Inside you will find educational articles, upcoming programs, and community resources.

Fall 2023 Extension Connection

Check out our latest issue of Extension Connection- Fall 2023 , a newsletter to support your home, health, and family life. This newsletter is serving Marquette, Adams, Waushara, and Green Lake counties. Inside you will find educational articles, upcoming programs, and community resources.

Childcare Survey

Do you have a child age 0-13? Do you live in Marquette County? We need your help! Click here to fill out a brief survey!

Positive Parenting Program

Small Changes, Big Differences! Positive Parenting Program for parents of children 0-12 years old. When? Tuesdays September 19th-October10, 2023 from 9:00am-10:30am OR 6:00pm- 7:30pm Program is free! Register today at

Planning Ahead

Join us and begin planning A H E A D! Learn how to make things easier for your family members and how to ensure your wishes are honored. Sign up for the 7-session course here:

The North Central Food Safety Extension Network (NCFSEN) began with representives from several states in the North Central Region in 2016 during a meeting convened by Extension program leaders held in Chicago, IL. Since that time, the netwrok has grown to include representatives from all 12 states in the region. Their website provides resource links […]

Extension Connection- Summer 2023

Check out our latest issue of Extension Connection- Summer 2023 , a newsletter to support your home, health, and family life. This newsletter is serving Marquette, Adams, Waushara, and Green Lake counties. Inside you will find educational articles, upcoming programs, and community resources.

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