4-H Clubs

4-H is open to all youth in grades K-13.
Youth can join 4-H if they are in grades 3 through 13. Cloverbuds are in grades Kindergarten through 2nd grade. More information here.

Interested in joining a club in Marquette County? Click her for 4-H Club information.

Find a club closest to you. Click here for a map of 4-H Clubs.


How do you join a Marquette County Club? 1) Select a 4-H club from the list. 2) Next, call the club's general leader and find out more information. Most 4-H members join in the fall, but new members can join at any time. 3) Attend the 4-H club meeting with your parents. 4) Enroll! Go to https://wi.4honline.com. What are you waiting for? (4-H Logo)

Enroll in Marquette County 4-H!

Interested in joining as a parent? Parents and adults can sign up to be volunteers and support projects. In order to be eligible, they need to have completed the Volunteer Orientation Process and enroll online.

Support Extension