Back to School Routines


Back to school, fresh starts, new routines. Exciting, right? Well, it can be pretty exciting, but it can also be overwhelming to get back into the swing of things! School, sports, clubs, music lessons. They all seem to ramp back up in the fall!

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you start the new school year.

Talk about it. Talk with your child about what the routines or days will look like. Kids like to know what to expect! Are they involved in school activities or sports? What supplies will they need? Talk about how this will affect dinner and bedtime. 

Establish Bedtime/Wakeup Routines. Setting regular times and routines for waking up and bedtime can help children get the appropriate sleep they need and help their focus in school. Consistency with routines helps to make smoother transitions. This applies for children of all ages! If your house is anything like mine, those teenagers may have been sleeping late all summer long, and it can be really hard to adjust! 

Be prepared. No matter what age or grade your child is, there will be new expectations and opportunities for them and you. If your child is older, maybe it’s time to think about driver’s education or graduation requirements. If they are younger, you may be wondering what opportunities are even available to them. 

Get involved. If you are able, try to get involved with the school or other activities. It’s a great way to get connected to the community and learn about what your child is doing and what skills they are developing. 

Grace! Give yourself and your child lots of grace! It’s hard to switch routines and takes some getting used to! Everyone might be a little moody and overtired at first! So, if you or your child are feeling a little overwhelmed, take a moment and remember you will get there!

Written by: Hannah Zellmer, Human Development & Relationships Educator

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